
Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Pencil, 25x22cm
Copyright Laura Hardie 2010

I have been here, there and everywhere recently, both physically and emotionally. Keeping fingers crossed that things will settle down now and I can concentrate more on my art. I started by finishing my 5’x5’ entry to the Canine Art Guild members show and got it in just in time. I’m looking forward to seeing all the entries when they go online which I believe will be 1st April.

I also finished my pencil Weim drawing (above) and I’m so glad I have as I can now move onto something new without feeling guilty about it lying there half finished – I’m funny that way:) I will now sit on this over the next few days to see if anything needs changed or tweaked and if I can come up with a suitable title for it.

Not quite sure what I’m going to be doing next – really want to do some painting but somehow I think my pencils will win………..again!

Tuesday, March 09, 2010


8'x6' Coloured Pencil
Copyright Laura Hardie 2010

Photoshop frustrates me, always has – not being able to understand or master what it can do gets to me from time to time. Like today while trying to correct a terrible scan of the now finished Ruby. Can Photoshop even do that, correct something that wasn’t there to begin with - like add the missing pencil strokes the scanner hasn’t picked up or tone down areas the scanner has chosen to brighten and highlight (like the yellows in this case!). Maybe I’m being too fussy and things like this just bring out the perfectionist in me but I’m really happy with this drawing and only wish you could see what I see.

Off now to see if I can find something to draw in time for the Canine Art Guild Members show.

Friday, March 05, 2010

Another Lab

Its been a busy but non eventful week with one thing or another resulting in very little drawing time. Also spent too much time procrastinating if I’m being honest.

I made a start on Ruby, another yellow lab but much lighter in colour than Sandy, and was able to spend the majority of today with pencils in hand bringing her nearer to completion. I’ve tried to get a good scan of the progress shots but it just wasn’t happening unfortunately – a problem I have with all light coloured dogs it seems.

A Work in Progress
Copyright Laura Hardie 2010

Like I said, not the best scan but hopefully there's enough there to give you an idea of what she looks like.

Monday, March 01, 2010


8'x6' Coloured Pencil
Copyright Laura Hardie 2010

Sandy is now finished awaiting approval. I think my main problem with working this size (apart from my pencils needing to be that bit sharper:)) was getting used to it looking so small compared to other drawings I have sitting around – my Weim for one, his head is huge in comparison.

Saying this, it’s still a good portrait size and I’ve found I actually like working smaller. Just as well really as I’m now planning my entry to the Canine Art Guild members show where works are to be 5’x5’.