A Work in Progress
I’d like to start this post by saying a big thank you to everyone for their kind words of support, both on and off my blog, all of which have been really comforting to me at this difficult time. I hadn’t realised there were so many artists whose work I have great admiration for followed my blog, so really chuffed about that:)
Following on from my last post I am happy to say my desk is now in place, built I might add all by my little self – not easy but at least now I have somewhere I can draw. Unfortunately it is also home to my computer so space is tight. I must take a photo sometime to show you exactly how tight, but I have to think positively and be thankful I can now draw.
I have had this picture of a horse on my easel waiting to be done for a while now, and thought it about time I made a start on it. My reference photo for this piece is courtesy of Heather Abounader, a photographer whose work I admire (and envy). From the state of Kentucky she tells me there are horse shows going on around there constantly giving her lots of wonderful photo opportunities – I definitely turned a shade of green while typing that last sentence.
I love drawing horses but unfortunately don’t have the opportunity to take many photos of them so I’m always on the lookout for good reference material. The photos I have managed to take myself are either not clear enough, uninspiring or I delete them by accident (a long story). I am however, always with my camera, looking for that perfect shot. You can view more of Heathers beautiful horse photos here.
This is very much a work in progress as you can see but have to admit it’s good working with my pencils again, if only for a bit here and there when the mood takes me. Apologies for the scan and the blue cast over it - I now have Photoshop CS3 which replaced my Elements 4 naively thinking it would be similar but with more features. Why it doesn't have the 'remove colour cast' button is beyond me, although I am sure there is a way to do this that is highly complicated.